October Meeting

Category : Meetings

The next meeting will be on October 12th 2021 @ 5:30PM CT. Greg Moore will be presenting a topic on system databases titled “A Dive into the System Databases”.

Register for the meeting here:
Meeting Registration

June Meeting

Category : Meetings

The next meeting will be on June 8, 2021 @ 5:30PM CT. Deepthi Goguri will be presenting a topic on Query Store titled “Don’t try it, Own it- Query Store feature on your Servers!”. Please make note that this is on a different night than normal due to speaker availability. Please make sure to take that into account when checking your schedules.

Register for the meeting here:
Meeting Registration

May Meeting

Category : Meetings

The next meeting will be on May 20, 2021 @ 5:30PM CT. Taiob Ali will be presenting a topic on Think Like the Cardinality Estimator. Please make note that this is on a different night than normal due to speaker availability. Please make sure to take that into account when checking your schedules.

Register for the meeting here:
Meeting Registration

April Meeting

Category : Meetings

The next meeting will be on April 13, 2021 @ 5:30PM CT. Randy Knight will be presenting a topic on Simplifying SQL Server Migration with dbatools.

Register for the meeting here:
Meeting Registration

March Meeting

Category : Meetings

The next meeting will be on March 9, 2021 @ 5:30PM CT. Diponkar Paul will be presenting a topic on SQL vs NoSQL and moving data from MongoDB to Azure data lake by using Azure Data Factory.

Register for the meeting here:
Meeting Registration

February Meeting!

Category : Meetings

The next meeting will be on February 9, 2021 @ 5:30PM CT. Dan Evans will be presenting a topic on Intelligent Insights with Power BI Visuals.

Register for the meeting here:
Meeting Registration

January 2020 Meeting

Category : Meetings

The next meeting will be on January 12, 2020 @ 5:30PM CT. We will be discussing the future of our group and to get input from you on how we will be proceeding.

Register for the meeting here:
Meeting Registration